Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Fizzy Finnish lemon drink called Sima

One of the items I need to make ahead for my Mother's birthday this weekend is this fizzy Finnish lemon drink called Sima made somewhat like home made root beer with yeast. You need to make it about 3 days before you want to serve it. It will last unopened for about a week after that without going flat. 

Although traditionally served at May Day in Finland it was made for many celebrations in my home growing up. 

Title: Sima -- Finnish Drink

4 quarts water
3/4 cup brown sugar
2 1/4 cup white sugar
2 lemons
1/4 t dry yeast
3-4 T warm water

Make in the evening. Wash the lemons; use a carrot peeler to get the peel from the lemons; use only the yellow; peel and discard the white; slice the lemons; put lemons and sugar in a 6 quart kettle (unless you are very good at full kettles like Mummo is). Pour the hot water over all of this; let come to a boil but do not boil for very long; let sit until it cools--a couple of hours.
Mix 1/4 t dry yeast in about 3-4 T warm water to dissolve; sprinkle a little sugar to help it rise; pour this into the cool sima and stir; put a lid on it over night. In the morning strain the lemon pulp out. Pour the sima into Martinelli's bottles. Add 2-3 raisins and 1 t sugar per bottle before capping it.

Leave the bottles on the counter for a couple of days until the raisins swell and come to the top. Now it's time to place in a cooler place to chill it. Be careful when you open it! Open it at a slant with a glass under neath it to catch any spills.  Many are the stories of this drink being served over the years because of the yeast. 

Number Of Servings: 4 bottles

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