Saturday, April 4, 2009

ABC pasta

This week I received a fun invitation to a grocery bridal shower and the hostesses had used ABC pasta for some of the letters on it.  When our youngest saw it, he wondered what they were.  I realized that he had never had ABC pasta!  I was amazed at this as the older ones had, but such is occasionally the case with the youngest.  I should know as I am one. :) In reorganizing my cupboards today, I found some Cannery Soup Mix which has ABC pasta in it.  With a quick internet search I found this and am making it for him.  If you click on the title, you'll find a couple of other cannery soup recipes as well.  Enjoy!

Cannery Soup Challenge
May 17th, 2006 | Alison Moore Smith |
So, you bought a two-year supply of the dried cannery soup. You went home, confidently whipped up a batch, served it proudly to the family—only to discover that it tastes just a bit like bath water. What to do?

Try out one of our tasty modifications when it’s time to rotate the soup mix. If you have your own concoction, just click the discussion link and tell us about it!

Wow! I Could’ve Had This Soup!
1/2 C soup mix
2 C eight vegetable juice
1 C water
1 T lemon juice
1 T beef broth bouillon
1 T sugar
1/3 C shredded carrots
1/2 t chili powder

Mix ingredients and cook for one hour.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maija, I was excited to see your recipe blog!
    I will enjoy looking over all your great recipes. I also have a recipe blog, that I started for my four married daughters. You can find it at :

    I will be back!
    Love, Jonna
