Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Varietes

Warm Red Velvet Cake with a powdered sugar glaze was our dessert for our visitor's from Canada Sunday night. We also served the hamburger, tomato, rice casserole with sour cream for our red main course.

When my husband and I ate out earlier this week for our Valentine's Day Dinner, we were served Crab Salad pictured on the left. I then bought crab and served it Saturday to our family on Valentine's Day and Sunday to our friends from Canada.
The picture I quickly snapped was of a kid's size portion -- skeptical of crab, yet required to taste it:). When I served it on Sunday, I took a long oval platter and laid the red leaf lettuce on the edge and the iceberg bed of lettuce down the middle with crab on top of it and the tomatoes along the edges.

The kids helped me ready chocolate fondue dessert on Valentine's Day which my Mother had requested. We had such flavorful strawberries in the store this time to dip along with bananas, strawberry pound cake and then 'pink' marshallow rice krispie treats the kids made too. Our main course was homemade spaghetii sauce over gnocchi noodles. We also served purchased organic red pepper and tomato soup and drank strawberry juice. We love to eat and wear red, white and pink on Valentine's Day!! My husband made cherry chocolate heart shaped waffles with homemade strawberry syrup for our Valentine's Day breakfast.

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