Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Brigham Young's Buttermilk Doughnuts

I'm recording this here so I can try it.  My Father had cut it out of the newpaper, so I guess I'll make them for him :)  
Title: Brigham Young's Buttermilk Doughnuts

This version of Brigham Young's buttermilk doughnuts has
been modernized by Brenda Hopkin, head baker at the Lion
House Pantry restaurant. It was on the paper on Feb. 21,
2009. She halved the recipe, specified the amount of flour
and added more butter and soda. To see the original recipe
from Naomi Young Schettler, as well as Winifred Jardine's
version, go to

2 cups buttermilk
2 large eggs, beaten
5 1/2 cups flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
2 teaspoons soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
6 tablespoons melted butter

n a medium bowl stir together all dry ingredients and set
aside. Whisk together buttermilk, eggs and sugar. Add
melted butter and whisk again. Add dry ingredients and gently
stir together -- do not use a mixer. Dough will be sticky. Start
heating frying oil to 375 degrees. Roll or pat dough on a well-
floured board about 1/4 to 3/8 inch thick. Cut with 2 1/2 inch
doughnut cutter. Form the scraps into a ball and reroll and
cut. (The dough could be cut with a knife or pizza cutter in
small squares or rectangles to speed up the process). Fry in
hot oil. Doughnuts will start to crack on top when they are
ready to turn. Remove from oil when golden brown. Drain on
paper towels. While warm, roll in or sprinkle with granulated
sugar as desired.

Number Of Servings:Makes 2 dozen doughnuts

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Hyvat Korput - Finnish Biscotti

My Mother loves biscotti. I found out the reason why she eats biscotti is because she can no longer make Korput -- Finnish biscotti anymore.  When I came to my visit my folks today, I found my Dad had made Korput by drying hot dog buns and sprinkling cinnamon sugar on them. They'd seen the recipe in a Finnish American newspaper.  I decided I'd find her Hyvat Korput recipe she used to make and make them for them.  She also used to dry out older pulla and make it into biscotti or korppuja as well. Here is the recipe her friend Piret gave her years ago.

Hyvat Korput

1 cube butter or margarine
pinch of salt
3/4 cup sugar
3 teaspoons baking powder
3 cups flour
1 cup milk

Cream butter and sugar well. Mix baking powder into flour then add alternately with milk. Mix batter into small buns and bake them 20 minutes until light brown. Split in half with a fork and allow the rusks to dry even more at a low temperature.

20 minutes
24 korppuja

Monday, February 16, 2009

Valentine's Day Varietes

Warm Red Velvet Cake with a powdered sugar glaze was our dessert for our visitor's from Canada Sunday night. We also served the hamburger, tomato, rice casserole with sour cream for our red main course.

When my husband and I ate out earlier this week for our Valentine's Day Dinner, we were served Crab Salad pictured on the left. I then bought crab and served it Saturday to our family on Valentine's Day and Sunday to our friends from Canada.
The picture I quickly snapped was of a kid's size portion -- skeptical of crab, yet required to taste it:). When I served it on Sunday, I took a long oval platter and laid the red leaf lettuce on the edge and the iceberg bed of lettuce down the middle with crab on top of it and the tomatoes along the edges.

The kids helped me ready chocolate fondue dessert on Valentine's Day which my Mother had requested. We had such flavorful strawberries in the store this time to dip along with bananas, strawberry pound cake and then 'pink' marshallow rice krispie treats the kids made too. Our main course was homemade spaghetii sauce over gnocchi noodles. We also served purchased organic red pepper and tomato soup and drank strawberry juice. We love to eat and wear red, white and pink on Valentine's Day!! My husband made cherry chocolate heart shaped waffles with homemade strawberry syrup for our Valentine's Day breakfast.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Chocolate Dream Roll

This month's recipe theme is "chocoholic". I'm not really a chocoholic, but do like it. My chocolate eating is mainly chocolate candy bars with Reese's being my favorite, followed by peanut M&Ms. It's a real treat though when I get to eat Fazer (Finnish) and Marabou (Swedish) chocolate. I enjoy brownies too. I like my Grandma's Chocolate cake pudding.  I would love to get the commercial recipe for the cake our friends had at their wedding in California.  Well one of my family's favorites is my Mother's Unelma Torttu which translated means Dream Roll. She got this recipe from her Jukarainen aunt. I made this for our recipe exchange and am glad I have some left over to share with my Mother.

Unelma Torttu

4 egg yolks
1 cup sugar

4 egg whites
3/4 cup flour
4 T cocoa
2 t baking powder
1/4 t salt

1 cube margarine
1 1/2 cup powdered sugar
1 egg or yolk

Beat yolks until thick and lemon colored; gradually beat in 1/3 cup sugar. In a large bowl, beat whites until soft peaks form, gradually add remaining 2/3 cup sugar, beat until stiff peaks form. Fold yolks into whites. Sift flour, baking powder, cocoa and salt. Fold into egg mixture. Spread on greased wax paper on a cookie sheet.
Bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes.
Turn onto a dish towel sprinkled with sugar.

Roll, cool completely, unroll, and fill. 

Roll again. 

Cut in half and wrap in saran wrap and keep in refrigerator.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Sunday Cinnamon Rolls

My daughter took a picture of the cinnamon rolls we made on Sunday.  She thought I should post it on my blog, so I am just for her.

She helped me make homemade rolls and we doubled the recipe, so that with the other half we made dessert at the same time.  We added a powdered sugar glaze to them.  I also added brown sugar on the tops at the last minute before I baked them.  It's better inside of them I've decided, but I'm looking for a way to make them more gooey inside and on top.  Any ideas?

I won 2 dozen cinnamon rolls from a sister in our ward at the Relief Society Service auction. She brought them a dozen at a time, most recently 2 weeks ago.  They were huge and light and delicious.  I need to get her recipe and learn how to make huge, light and delicious cinnamon rolls.  

Also, I need to try my hand soon at the Finnish version of turning pulla dough into cinnamon rolls.