Friday, February 22, 2008

Serve Unto Others, As They Would Serve Unto You

We had tacos the other night and I took the leftovers to my folks the next day.  I was going to serve them to my Mother for lunch.  I then remembered that she likes the meat plain, the way she used to make them for us.  So, I fried up fresh hamburger with no seasoning for her.  

So here is how she made and how I made for her . . .

Simple Homemade Tacos

Just fry the hamburger with no seasoning.  Drain off fat. 
The seasoning we used growing up was ketchup mixed with tabasco which we used instead of salsa, because we couldn't buy salsa. 
Corn tortillas -- We used to fry them in vegetable oil growing up.  We'd put paper towels between each one to get the oil off.  Nowadays we just fry them in Pam or heat them in the microwave. 
Serve simply with chopped lettuce, chopped onions, diced tomatoes and grated cheese.

So do unto others as they would like to be done unto and serve the foods they like, especially when they served you for years and can no longer do it for you or themselves. 

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