Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Walking Program

I guess it's time to start walking or doing some sort of exercise again. With just a few weeks left until the 5K run/walk on August 18, maybe I should pull out these instructions for the suggested walking program that was shared with us and try it out. 20 minutes huh? Maybe I'll start tomorrow:).

I know the kids and the dogs would enjoy it, but would I enjoy it again? Oh, can't take them since we're supposed to walk fast enough that, it's hard to carry on a full conversation. Yikes, we've got to warm up and cool down and it's 60 minutes altogether. Well here it is below, if you want to do it. I'm not even opening the Running Program she sent.

Walking program
Based on time
Weeks 1-2
Day 1- Walk 20 min
Day 2- Walk 25 min
Day 3- Walk 30 min
Day 4- Walk 35 min
Weeks 3-5
Day 1- Walk 30 min
Day 2- Walk 25 min *intervals +
Day 3- Walk 40 min
Day 4- Walk 25 min *intervals +
Weeks 6-8
Day 1- Walk 40 min
Day 2- Walk 30 min *intervals +
Day 3- Walk 50 min
Day 4- Walk 30 min *intervals +
Week 9-11
Day 1- Walk 50 min
Day 2- Walk 35 min *intervals +
Day 3- Walk 50 min
Day 4- Walk 35 min *intervals+
Race Week
Day 1- Walk 60 min
Day 2- Walk 50 min
Day 3- Off
Day 4- Race Day
All days except interval days should include a 5 minute warm-up, followed by a constant, sustained effort. You should walk at a pace where you can talk, but it would be hard to carry on a full conversation. This should be followed by an adequate cool-down and some stretches for your legs.
*On interval days, start out with a 5 minute warm-up, and then repeat a 5 minute hard effort followed by a 5 minute recovery for the specified time. The hard effort should be harder than your normal days, and the recovery period should be easier than your normal
days. Incorporating hills or increasing speed are two ways to increase your effort for intervals. End with a cool-down and leg stretches.
+Do your walking workout plus weights on these days. The total workout time will still be one hour.

1 comment:

  1. This is pretty good advice Im going to have to start doing this with my wife and my dog so we all can get some exercise.
    Since im going to try and taste all your receipies I might need to start walking huh!
