Thursday, December 21, 2006

Finnish Christmas Dinner Menu

I'm busy making prepations for my side of the family's Finnish Christmas dinner party. A typical Finnish Christmas Dinner includes ham, fish, casseroles and salads. Here is a suggested menu.

Porkkana Lattikko (Carrot Casserole)
Peruna Lattikko (Potato Casserole)
Lanttu Lattikko (Rutabaga Casserole)
Beet and Apple Salad or Cranberry Salad
Hapan kaali salaattii (Sauerkraut Salad)
Ruis Leipa (Rye Bread)
Sillia-- Pickled Herring
Gravi Lohi – Raw thinly sliced Salmon strips
Karjalan Piirakka (Karelian Rice Pastries)
Egg Butter
Riisi Puuro – Rice Porridge w/ almond in it
Rusina Soppa – Raisin Soup
Pulla Cardamom (Coffee Braid)
Joulu Torttuja (Prune Filled Tarts)
Piparkakut (instead of gingerbread)
Assat S shaped cookies

The menu always includes casseroles. These are three that our mother always served on Christmas Eve. Casseroles were used because they didn't have access to refrigeration in those days, so they used root vegetables of potato, carrot and rutabaga. It's not Christmas to me if I don't taste these sometime during the season.

Title: Peruna Kiusaus (Potato Temptation)

I call it "Matchstick Potato Casserole". This is a potato casserole used in Christmas dinner, but also easy to make for any time of year.

6-7 coarsely grated raw potatoes
2 cups chopped onion
2 1/2 - 3 cups heavy cream
salt and pepper

Peel and grate potatoes into cold water. Grease a 913 dripper pan and put potatoes (drain of water) and onions in layers. Salt and pepper to taste. Pour over the potatoes to barely cover. Bake at 300 degrees for about 2 hours. Great served with ham or any meat.
Note: You may add 1 1/2 - 2 cups of cubed, cooked ham. If you are of "Scandinavian" origin, you may want to add a can of Anchovy Fillets with juice, but use less salt.

Title: Porkkana Laatikko (Carrot and Rice Casserole)

This is the traditional Finnish Carrot and Rice Casserole.
1 1/2 lbs. carrots, peeled and sliced
1/2 cup uncooked rice
1 cup half and half
1 egg, beaten
2 tablespoons brown sugar
salt to taste
2-3 Tbs. chopped almonds

Boil carrots in salted water until done. Drain and save the water. Remove carrots from pan and add enough water, if necessary, to make 1 1/2 cups pour rest of of liquid back into the pan and let it come to a boil. Stir in uncooked rice. Cover and steam on low for 20 minutes. Meanwhile mash cooked carrots. Add half and half, beaten egg, and brown sugar, mixing well. When rice is done, stir into carrot mixture, adding salt to taste. Pour into a well greased 1 1/2 quart casserole dish.

A great compliment for meat dishes, especially ham. Freezes well.

Number Of Servings:Serves 6-8.

Preparation Time:Bake at 350 for 45 minutes.

Title: Lanttulaatikko (Rutabaga Casserole)

Even if Finns don't eat it, they make it for the smell at Christmas. Our mother always makes and eats it.

3 1/2 lbs. rutabagas (yellower than the turnip)
1 1/3 cups half and half
3/4 cup dry bread crumbs
3 eggs
3/4 cup dark Karo syrup
1/4-1/3 t nutmeg
1/4 t ginger
1/2 t white pepper
salt to taste (remember some salt comes from the salted water you cook the rutabagas in)

Peel and cut the rutabagas into very small pieces. (They take a long time to cook.) Cover with water. Sprinkle on some salt. Boil until soft. Mix half and half and and the bread crumbs in a small bowl and let "swell" while the rutabagas are boiling. Drain and save 1/2 c of the cooking water. Mash rutabagas very fine adding water. Add cream and crumb mixture into the mashed rutabagas, mixing well. Add beaten eggs and Karo. Season with spices being careful not to use too much nutmeg as it develops a stronger taste while baking. Salt to taste. Bake at 350 degrees for 1 hour. Keeps well for several days in the refrigerator. Reheat to serve. Freezes well.


  1. Makes me remember a Finnish Christmas dinner in Fremont a few years ago! Still make the carrot and rice dish, and occassionally a few others. I never did attempt the Christmas braids you made. Wish we were neighbors....or close enough to exchange goodies over the holidays. They were yummy! Thanks for sharing your recipes here.

  2. They are yummy and smell so Christmasy! Would be fun to live closer for recipe, pets and friendship.
