Saturday, November 17, 2012

Veggie Tails and Flowers for Fancy Veggie Basket

My Mother began making fancy cut veggie baskets for special occasions after I left home, so I didn't have the chance to watch or help her much. Veggie Tails and Veggie Flowers for Veggie BasketNow that she's passed to the other side of the veil I had to recall, search for photos of her vegetable basket and online to "see" how to make various veggie tails and flowers.  In addition I asked myself questions.  I began to get some inspiration of my own--possibly from her whispering suggestions in my ear.  I felt her nearby as I thought of her, which made for a priceless time.   
What follows is how I make radish roses, green onion tails and stems, carrot crinkles and flowers, jagged cucumber circles, celery tails and turnip flowers. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Pretty Pavlova

Pavlova was served to us in Estonia and Finland then I made it for a Relief Society meeting dessert and now make it at home.  It's been requested in place of birthday cake by our youngest.  Here is the Pavlova recipe I use.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Milk Can Dinner

My brother made a "milk can dinner" during our Family reunion July 4th!  
It was such a fun meal and an easy way to serve a crowd. 
I decided the girls at Young Women's ward camp would like it too.   
They DID!  
Our 3rd year campers prepared this evening meal for our special guest speaker, 
Olympian Werner Hoeger and his wife Sharon.   
We served 30 people and several went back for seconds.  
 To make a
MILK CAN DINNER you will need to . . .